Seeing double…

“So how have you been feeling?”, asked the Sonographer as she creamed my bulging belly with an ice-cold substance that can only be described as see-through goo! You know the type that you see smothered all over Scooby-Doo’s face when the monster gets him? Only, it’s not green, and there were no monsters here…

“I have been feeling terrible!”, I said to her. The question brought back memories of a cycle of nausea, queasiness, tiredness and even more tiredness. Just the faint whiff of toast or even trying to brush my teeth made me want to hurl! I don’t think my poor hubby ate a thing in 3 months! But, let’s not feel too much sympathy for him as it was all his fault that I was in this mess in the first place! 😉

My reply made her smile a very wry smile which I thought was an odd reaction to what I had just said. How could she have known what I had been through? But how wrong was I?!

“I’ll tell you why”, she said. “Just look at the screen”…

The next words that she uttered made me feel like she had just passed me a concoction that Heston Blumenthal might have dreamt up full of shock, jubilation, anxiety, hope, fear and bursts of sunshine, mixed with a couple of shots of tequila, and asked me to down it in one – not forgetting to swallow the worm at the end!

She said: “There’s Twin 1 waving at you, and there’s Twin 2 kicking it’s legs.”

That’s when I fell off the bed.

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