The Secret Room

Xmas Tree2This year at the twins’ school Christmas fair, they had a room called The Secret Room. This is the kind of room that you would imagine Santa’s little helpers to be working away in the night before Christmas. Although, I use the term working very loosely, as this was a fun room! I secretly wish I had a room like that when I was at school. For a start, all the lights were off apart from a few fairy lights twinkling away in the corners. This just added to the magic of the Secret Room…

There were shimmering Christmas trees adorned with bouncy baubles and tangled tinsel. Soft, white ‘snow’ had settled everywhere like a sprinkling of icing sugar. The tables were covered with a myriad of treasure items such as glitter, beads, stickers, feathers, sequins and sparkling jewels. The gifts were placed lovingly all around the room. These ranged from bracelets, smellies, candles, and mugs to Santa oven gloves and even back scratchers?! Who uses those anymore? Although, Hubby did buy me a wooden one for our Wood Anniversary, but that is another story for another time!

But, by far, the best bit about the Secret Room was that no parents were allowed in there! How cool is that? Of course, there were a few responsible adults in the room to help wrap the gifts and keep an eye on those over zealous kids who might get high on the glue and the smelly pens and just go crazy!

The rules were simple:

1. Pick a gift for your parents.

2. Pay for the gift by giving money to one of the friendly adults in charge.

3. Decorate the gift.

4. Take it to back to the friendly adults to get it wrapped and labelled.

5. Present it to your parents or place under the Christmas tree at home.

6. Enjoy!

Now, this was the first time that we had received gifts from the twins without any supervision at all so I was really intrigued and excited to see what I would get!

So, come Christmas Day, we all tore our gifts open like a pack of wolves!


  From my daughter, I got the most beautiful, little heart shaped  mirror decked with amethyst coloured stones.

From my son, I got a …….. just take a look at the photo.

toilet roll

Yes, it is what it looks like! When I asked him why he got me a Sudoku toilet roll, he just laughed! No comment…

But, for me, the best present was from the big man Santa himself. We had gone to take the twins to see him in his Grotto. I think he was the REAL Santa! He had a proper, long, white candy floss like beard, which some of the kids had tried to pull off, but could not. His thighs were as large as tree trunks, and he had looked like he had definitely eaten all the mince pies!

After he sat the twins down, and had a quiet chat with them, we were all ready to walk out when he turned to my Hubby and I and said “Your kids are a real credit to you Sir and Madam. You should be proud of them.” Maybe, he says that to all the parents(!), but not only did he make my day, but he made my year! Thank You Santa.


Happy New Year to you all!

12 thoughts on “The Secret Room

  1. Wow you are so lucky to receive beautiful surprise gifts from your twins. Now next year is nani’s turn. God bless them. Happy, healthy and peaceful New year.



  2. The Secret Room, the twins and In Praise of England.

    Ah, the Secret Room. What a wonderful and imaginative new idea in a school? To strengthen the cement of bonds between children and parents, I am sure. Perhaps also to instil in children a sense of appreciation for their parents’ love and care, I have no doubt. Could also serve other unforeseen purposes to enhance the quality of their togetherness.

    I can understand a lovely love shaped mirror from your daughter but a toilet role with a Sudoku from your son?
    Either he has seen you doing Sudoku at some stage or he knew you fancied unusual types of toilet rolls! Only a French company can dream up a toilet roll packaging with a Sudoku to keep the users’ attention on something more important!!

    The Santa most certainly looks as if he has consumed entire stock of mince pies meant for all visitors! Yes, Santa is most certainly right about what he said about your children. What I say is he not only made your year but the twins made your entire life.


  3. Thank you so much. You always have such wonderful comments that you leave me speechless! I think the real reason my son got me that present is because he loves puzzles so it appealed to him! The presents that I choose for people are usually the ones that I would like to receive myself. Well, that’s my theory, anyway! 🙂


  4. The Secret Room is such a lovely idea. May have to suggest it to Noo’s school for the next Christmas fair!


    1. Hello, I think you will definitely have to do it as the kids had such a great time! They actually got the chance to play mummy and daddy for a change!


  5. Many thanks for your comments. I think starting ones own blog is a real big responsibllity and whether I am at my age can take it or not is one big question. All those who have done it, icluding yourself, are really to be congratulated and I wish them the very best of luck and I on my part will continue to make my small contribution as and when I can.

    Even in respect of safety and security perhaps we live in the best part of our mostly wonderful world.


  6. They had ones of those rooms at my kids school (many moons ago!) and the presents always meant so much! I seem to remember I got a novelty loo roll one year!


    1. At least I wasn’t the only one to get a roll! The kids really loved it – it made them feel all grown up, although they couldn’t wait till Christmas Day as they wanted us to open the presents right away!


  7. That’s a really good idea, and there;s a proper element of surprise too (like the toilet roll!! 🙂 You’d never leave if you started doing a few puzzles)


    1. Exactly notmyyearoff! I asked my son why he bought me that present, and he said that I could do a puzzle every time I went to the toilet, but that I could only use the loo roll if and only if I completed the puzzle! He obviously had it all worked out!


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